Wednesday, December 2, 2009

BO Makes Me TILT!

Ria says... "I'd rather lose my money than sit with you the entire night."

While watching the Talking Heads episode on "Hygiene," I suddenly remembered something... poker players with BO! BO is body odor. OH MY!

Imagine being cramped in close proximity with 8 other guys plus a pretty dealer. Nice situation for a single girl to be in, right? WRONG! Admittedly, most of the guys in my club, sorry boys, aren't good-looking.

Worse, some of them have BO. :-&

Not all of them have it though. But there are just some nights when committing suicide is a healthier, better option than sitting through hours with a guy or guys with a smelly armpit, bad breath, or various combinations of BO. Sometimes, these are combined with various smells of alcohol and smoke.

You know how bitchy and scary I am when I'm on tilt, please let's avoid this situation. It's a very unsavory and unattractive one. It's pure torture to play in a tournament when your seatmate or seatmates have BO. :( In cash games, it's tolerable since we can always change seats or tables... hopefully, the club ain't that full.

Yes, guys... I know that you were probably working the entire day, sweating it out in the gym, or playing basketball. Given that... let me introduce you to something called DEODORANT. And something else named BABY POWDER. And oh... toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash... or hello there... GUM!

Guys... deodorant is cheap. And you must use it! Please, please, please take a shower after working out at the gym or playing basketball or whatever shiz game or sport you play. And baby powder is cheaper. I loooove guys who smell like baby powder. I prolly won't fall in love with you, but at least you won't make me tilt and get bitchy.

And yeah, ya know... perfume, cologne, whatever! I know it's a pain to be bringing perfume or cologne everywhere. But most of you have cars, right? Keep it there. Or if you don't, please... just sit far from me.

I know I'm not the prettiest girl in the club, and probably not the nicest smelling girl in there... but at least I try my best to smell good. That's why mah bag is that big ya know. I bring with me a toothbrush and toothpaste ALL THE TIME! And yeah, perfume or body spray, baby powder... and admittedly DEODORANT.

So you know... if you sense that I am sitting a few inches from you farther than our usually cramped area would allow or leaning away from you, ask me for some mint, or maybe some cologne or baby powder.

And if I tell you you reek of alcohol and yosi, it's not just me being maarte. K? You really do smell.

Piso lang po ang VFresh na binebenta ng guard. :P

And before I forget... please refrain from removing your shoes while playing. Foot odor is not attractive. Guys... FOOT POWDER! Or alcohol. Especially when you decide to leave your shoes in your car and decide to wear slippers to the club. ALCOHOL!

And OMG! This is not related to BO but general hygiene... Please do not pick your nose or scratch your butt while playing. Or lick it after you eat peanuts or whatever pulutan you're having. Use the tissue. We have lots of it. And once, again... ALCOHOL!

Please... at least try? THANKS!


  1. love your picture dito. parang asar na asar ka ng bonggang bongga! i only play tournaments, that's the worse time to be seated with a BOed player. i mean WOW! can their olfactory sense be THAT impaired for them not to even get a hint of how they smell (stink, more like)?!

  2. lol this post is very funny :) maligo nalang sila sa sanitizer. free naman yun sa metro. DUH! DIBA? lol

    -karla :)


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